August 28, 2020
Gates will open at 5:30 tonight for the varsity football game against Fort Frye. As a reminder, please have your voucher filled out completely before arriving. Also, masks and s...
August 26, 2020
JH volleyball games will be streamed live on the “Waterford Wildcats Athletics” Facebook page.
August 26, 2020
Friday night's varsity football game @ Fort Frye will be live streamed at the following link:
August 24, 2020
Tonight’s junior high volleyball games vs Frontier will be streamed on the Facebook page “Waterford Junior High Volleyball”
August 18, 2020
Tonight’s high school volleyball scrimmage will be streamed live on the Facebook page “Waterford High School Volleyball”
August 13, 2020
The time for make-up fall sports and senior sport banner pictures has been changed from 2-5PM tomorrow in the Cooper Gym. Seniors, please bring money for senior banners tomorrow. E...
August 6, 2020
For those who were not at the pre-season meetings, season passes can be bought online now. The website to purchase your season passes is
August 6, 2020
I apologize for the mix up on the physical packets that were passed out during the OHSAA Pre-Season Meeting. If you need a new packet, they can be printed off at https://ohsaaweb...
August 6, 2020
The hotspot states are updated every Wednesday at ...
July 2, 2020
There has been a schedule change for baseball, we will host Frontier for a doubleheader this Sunday starting at 1:00pm
June 15, 2020
Please review the Ohio Department of Health regulations for summer baseball here Look forward to seeing ever...
May 23, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 virus, we will not be able to hold physicals at the school this year. The first and easiest alternative to get a physical is to make an appointment with your p...
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
Coronavirus Grading and Other End of the Year Activities
How long will the Buildings and facilities be closed?
The most recent release (4/30/2020) indicate...
April 30, 2020
After much discussion and looking at the State Health Department and Ohio Department of Education Guidelines, we have developed the option of a virtual graduation with in-person d...
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
Parents and Students,
I know that it is hard to believe that we will be out of school for another month. I am sure that many of you are wondering what this me...
February 25, 2020
All, The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 389 Toys for Children Program pinned this letter as a thank you to the community for the donations that were made for their program. Dona...
February 24, 2020
There was a mistake on the previously uploaded Wildcat Country Update. The boys will play Federal Hocking on Wednesday at 8:00 PM at Wellston