May Update and end of the Year Activities

May 6, 2020

Coronavirus Grading and Other End of the Year Activities

How long will the Buildings and facilities be closed?

  • The most recent release (4/30/2020) indicated that school buildings and facilities are to remain closed until June 30th.  This includes school buildings and athletic facilities.  At the present time, we will keep the track open for community members to walk.  Please adhere to social distancing and no more than 10 individuals accessing the track at one time.  

How will grades be determined for my student?

  • Student grades for the fourth nine weeks will be determined on a pass/incomplete system.  Students will be given a determination for the effort of work that was completed during the extended closure.  The school understands that not all students were able to get the support that they generally receive when they are learning in the classroom, therefore letter grades will not be given at this time.

    • The Pass/Incomplete score will not be counted in a student’s GPA or recorded on a transcript. This is a means to acknowledge and communicate the effort that the student made to complete work during the extended time off.

  • Student semester grades will be determined by averaging the students first three nine weeks grades to determine the second semester grade.  This will be the average of the grades that the child received while they were in the classroom with a teacher instructing. 

    • This score will be on the student’s transcript and count towards their GPA. 

  • We have to think of the term “grade” much differently than we are used to doing.  For the fourth nine weeks during closure, we need to think of this as a term that will be used to report or communicate to the student and family the level of participation in continued learning.

  • CCP Courses (college credit) will follow the guidance from the college.

What does the Pass/Incomplete mean for my GPA?

  • The fourth nine weeks “grades/communications” will not be factored into a GPA or be placed on a transcript.  These reports/communications that will be on the report card are a means to communicate to the student and the family the level of continued learning that the student participated in during the closure.  Because we know that not all students have the same resources and we live in a very rural area, this is the fairest method that the teachers can report/communicate to students that their effort to continue learning was acknowledged. 

How does Pass/Incomplete affect athletic eligibility?

  • Athletic eligibility is determined by the passage of classes for the previous nine weeks.  (Example: fall sports are dependent upon the fourth nine weeks).  By using the Pass/Incomplete system, no students will be receiving an “F” for the fourth nine weeks.  Therefore, all students will be eligible for fall athletics.

Will there be a graduation?

  • At the present time we are still planning a graduation.  We are working with the seniors and their parents to complete a virtual graduation that will air on May 24th at 2:00.  Students will be recorded prior to this date.  Seniors will receive this information in the mail. 

  • We also have reserved June 28th and July 26th for dates to hold a traditional graduation if we are permitted at that time by the Health Department.

How will I turn in my students' materials?

  • Senior Turn in will be on May 12th from 12:00-6:00 at the High School Small gym.

  • Student material turn in will be the week of May 18th.  There will be further details coming on the specifics of this at that time.  The turn in schedule is as follows:

    • May 19th 12:00-6:00pm - Juniors

    • May 20th 12:00-6:00pm - Sophomores

    • May 21st 12:00-6:00om - Freshmen

    • May 22nd 10:00-1:00 - Make-up

  • Process for turn in: Students will bring all materials with them that they are returning to the school including a charged chromebook.  They will enter the back doors of the small gym and return items.  After returning items, they will be permitted to go and clean out their lockers.  We request that social distancing be observed and will have staff members present to help with this process.  We will be limiting the number of individuals in the building at one time.  It is requested that individuals wear masks as well.

  • Athletic Uniforms can also be turned in at this time. 

What about the Freshman Visit Opportunity?

  • This is something that we find important to be able to provide the incoming freshmen an opportunity to come into the building and take a tour and get to ask questions prior to their Freshman year.  There will be an opportunity to have an opportunity to come to the building and take a tour.  There will be additional details for this coming in August.  We have to see where we are with social distancing at that time to see what is allowable and safe.

Student Meal Service?

  • The student meal service will continue through the week of May 25th for those that need it.  Please continue to call the High School Office to get on that list.  (740-984-2373).

  • The last week of May meals will be picked up on Tuesday as Monday is a Holiday.  There will still be five days worth of meals in the box.

What about athletics during the summer?  Open gyms, etc?

  • There is a current no contact period in place until May 31, 2020.  This means that students are not permitted to be in contact with a coach other than a conversation during this time. 

  • The school buildings and practice facilities along with the weightroom are closed until after June 30, 2020.

  • OHSAA is monitoring this for the fall and will release information as they have it available.  There may be an effect to the fall schedule of events. 

What will school look like in the Fall?

  • This is something that we wish we had additional information on at this time.  When we are ready to open in the fall we will follow the Health Department and the CDC guidelines for cleaning and distancing to keep students safe.  We are hoping that as more information is released we will know what the opening of school will look like by August 1.

How can we stay up to date with new information?

  • We are currently trying to share information in a variety of ways.  Information is shared on Social Media, the school website and alerts.  There will be a newsletter that will come out over the summer that will have additional information regarding the start of school. 

  • Social Media Connections:

    • Facebook: @Wolfcreeklocalschools, @Waterfordhighschoolnews

    • Facebook Group - Waterford Wildcat PTO

  • Website:

  • App Notifications - Wolf Creek Local App in the app store and sign up for notifications.