April Fools— all lunches and homework packets ARE Ready for pick up. Please follow new guidelines. Sorry for the confusion.
almost 5 years ago, Suellen Coleman
Wildcat Way Day #24- Miss Barb https://youtu.be/FMDqgOmdmE8
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Wildcat Way Day #23- A Big Guy Took My Ball! By Mo Willems https://youtu.be/5-iCgn23IjI
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Wildcat Way Day #22- Mrs. Montgomery Previews Some Books https://youtu.be/yQlSpQMcjNg
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Wildcat Way Day #21- Mrs. Kincaid Reads Harry Potter Chapter 2 https://youtu.be/Nzwl8mb6buA
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Here is the link to video with information from this evening’s scheduled Zoom meeting for parents: https://youtu.be/Ui76eOKCWsI
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
What occurred during this evening’s Zoom meeting was called “zoombombing”. See CNN’s article and an article from the New York Times: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/02/us/fbi-warning-zoombombing-trnd/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/20/style/zoombombing-zoom-trolling.html
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
8th grade promotion information from Mrs. Thomas- Please read her letter and rest assured, we WILL have an 8th grade promotion. Date to be determined! https://www.wolfcreek.k12.oh.us/article/225157
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
8th grade parents- Robyn Delaney, W.H.S school counselor, will be holding a Zoom Parent Meeting regarding scheduling. robyn.delaney@wolfcreeklocal.org Time: Apr 7, 2020 06:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3424798392 Meeting ID: 342 479 8392
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Zoom Meeting Information for Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 Jana Thomas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Time: Apr 2, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/176566622 Meeting ID: 176 566 622
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Wildcat Way Day #20- Miss Barker and Forky https://youtu.be/6N64D9cnOn8
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
No work will be collected or turned in for any "Specials" class at W.E.S.
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Assignments during our school closure do not include work for "Specials" classes like Gym, Music, Art and Band. W.E.S Specials Teachers ask students to be active for Gym, sing around the house for Music, play your instruments for Band and do some fun Art projects for Art Class.
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
​Wildcat Way Day #19- Mrs. Kincaid reads the first chapter of Harry Potter. She will continue weekly and read the entire book. Great Reading Counts idea! https://youtu.be/Pc3e_78NdY4​
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Here is the link to the Questions and Responses from tonight's W.E.S Parent Zoom Meeting. https://www.wolfcreek.k12.oh.us/article/223516
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
The video from tonight's W.E.S Parent Zoom Meeting will be posted to YouTube for parents that cannot attend and the link will be sent via notifications. Zoom only permits 100 people to attend per meeting. An additional Zoom meeting will be held on Thursday evening.
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Wildcat Way #18- Miss Giffin https://youtu.be/MYEJkE9jn6M
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
See the News section for the W.E.S Virtual Spirit Week!
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Spirit Week
The W.E.S Zoom Meetings this week will only address questions regarding homework packets (pick up/drop off), how to turn them in (other options) and teacher communication. At this time, Mrs. Thomas has no new Covid-19 info or updates from ODE.
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas
Wildcat Way Day #17- Mrs. Varnadoe and Bella https://youtu.be/z8UmbIR9Jms
almost 5 years ago, Jana Thomas