Waterford Elementary School Kindergarten Screening 2020-2021
Waterford Elementary School will host its annual Kindergarten Screening for the 2020-2021 school year on Monday, August 24th and Tuesday, August 25th, 2020. Screening will look slightly different this year in order to honor social distancing. Students will be scheduled for ½ hour individual time slots and will meet individually with Mrs. McCurdy and Mrs. Hayhurst during that time. Mrs. Kim Huck will call to schedule the appointments for students during the second week of August.
Parents will drop students off at the side entrance of Waterford Elementary and will be met by one of our two Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. McCurdy or Mrs. Hayhurst. At that time, parents will be provided with a Kindergarten informational packet and there will also be YouTube videos available for Kindergarten parents to view. Parents will not be permitted inside of the school during these appointments.
The Kindergarten class lists will be posted on the front door of Waterford Elementary’s main entrance on Wednesday, August 26th by 10:00 am. Please honor social distancing when viewing the list and maintain 6 feet of distance at that time.
Kindergarten students will begin school on Thursday, August 27th, 2020. There will be staff waiting to escort the students into the building and parents will not be permitted to enter the building during drop off. Thursday, August 27th and Friday, August 28th, 2020 will be on an altered schedule, with students beginning school at 7:50 and dismissal for students occurring at 1:00 pm. The first full week of school for Kindergarten students will be the week of August 31st, 2020. Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Thomas directly at jana.thomas@wolfcreeklocal.org. We can’t wait to see your Kindergarten students soon!