PARENTS and Students - ……In the event we must close school due to inclement weather we are having a remote learning day for Wolf Creek Local School Students. Students will not report in person. Teachers will place assignments in Google Classroom and provide them for students without internet when we return to school. Teachers will communicate with students by 9:00am via Google Classroom or email. Students will have 5 days to complete remote learning assignments from the day we return to school. Feel free to contact your child’s teacher through their school email if you have any questions.
This message is for preparation in case we need to cancel in person learning in the future. Please do not take this message that school will be closed.
Wolf Creek Local Schools will be closed for Wednesday February 17, 2021. This will be blizzard bag day #3
Wolf Creek Local Schools is closed for Tuesday February 16. This is blizzard bag day #2
Wolf Creek Local Schools is closed for Tuesday February 9th. This will be blizzard bag day one
The Wolf Creek Board of Education will hold their Regular meeting on February 08, 2021. The meeting will be held in the High School Library and will begin at 7:30 pm.
Wolf Creek Local Schools is Closed for Tuesday 2/2/21
Wolf Creek Local will be on a 2 hour delay for Tuesday 2/2/21
Wolf Creek is closed for Thursday 1/28
Wolf Creek Local is on a 2 hour delay for Thursday January 28
Tomorrow's lunch menu at Waterford Elementary School has changed. We will be serving:
- Chicken Patty/Bun
- Pizza Beans
Thank you and have a great day!
Wolf Creek Local schools is closed for Monday 1/25/21
Wolf Creek Local will be on a 2hour delay Monday January 25, 2021
Wolf Creek Local Schools
Douglas A. Baldwin, Superintendent
January 12, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Wolf Creek Local Schools has confirmed a positive case of COVID-19 in their staff population at Waterford Elementary School. This case was a result of contact in a case outside of the school and was not in attendance during this time.
The Washington County Health Department has been notified of this case . All close contacts have been notified.
The classrooms have been thoroughly disinfected as well as restrooms and common areas. Please be assured that Wolf Creek Local Schools are working with the Washington County Health Department to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools and community.
Douglas A. Baldwin
Happy New Year!!! We look forward to seeing students back in the buildings on January 5th. Reminder that if your student is experiencing any illness, please keep them home. Also, a reminder that Wednesday January 6th is a scheduled Early Dismissal.
The Wolf Creek Board of Education will hold their Organizational & Regular meeting on January 04, 2021. The meeting will be held in the High School Library and will begin at 7:30 pm.
Merry Christmas from W.E.S! Here is the link to our K-4 Christmas Program. Please check out our video and help us bring some Christmas cheer to Waterford!
Because of a contract that Fort Frye has, we will not be able to live stream the boys basketball games tonight. If would wish to watch their live stream, it can be found at and you will have to pay $8 to watch.
Change to school schedule leading up to Christmas Break
In an effort to finish semester exams and get materials and chromebooks distributed, we will have school with students on Friday and Monday. We will then have a practice remote day on Tuesday. This day will also count as a day of instruction. Teachers will be noting the number of students who attend this virtual session.
We will be sending home student Chromebooks and chargers on Monday. If you do not want your child to bring home a Chromebook please notify your child's school. They will need a device to connect to the virtual day. Teachers will be scheduling a short class on Tuesday for all students. Although it will not count against students attendance if they can not log in, teachers will be taking attendance of those who do connect.
Please assist your student in joining their class during their designated time. This will assist in determining any connectivity issues that the students may have and how we can work with families to resolve those. This remote learning day will assist the district in gathering data to determine the opportunity for success with students in the future if we need to move to remote instruction.
I can't emphasize enough that we are planning to return to school on January 5th with in-person learning. In the event we would be required to close by state or local government, we have an excessive number of students out as a result of quarantine, inability to staff our buildings, excessive number of snow days, or any other unforeseen circumstances we may be forced to use remote learning.
Thank you for the support that you have given the school in our efforts to keep our doors open.
Wolf Creek Local Schools will be closed for Thursday December 17, 2020.
Thank your Bus Driver. Wolf Creek has the best bus drivers. Tonight commute was very difficult. Our drivers done an outstanding job returning all there children home safely. In their minds it was probably just another day on the job. However, it important we let them know how much we appreciate the job the do each and everyday. Especially tonight.
Also Thank you to Darren Ball, Tom Neill and Andrew Bauerbach for their assistance in a couple of situations tonight. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.