Title I is the nation’s largest federal assistance program for schools. It is a federal program to help students obtain a quality education and meet and exceed academic standards. A Title I program can be targeted assistance which helps eligible children meet performance standards by placing them with Title I staff who are specially trained; this service is completely funded by Title I. A Title I program can be school wide which serves all students in eligible and identified schools. All students received academic remediation (intervention) or enrichment when appropriate. All K-5th grade students are eligible for all services provided by Title I. A school wide Title I program allows eligible schools to use Title I funds to pay for educational programs, staff members or services that benefit all students within that school.
21st century learning addresses skills that students will need to succeed in today’s global economy. These critical skills including problem solving, innovative thinking, and creativity use technology to master core subjects and develop critical skills. Teachers provide these opportunities for students with the support of Title I.
Title I programs also offer small groups or special instructional spaces, additional teachers, opportunities for professional development for district staff, extra time for teaching students the skills they need, and additional teaching materials which supplement regular instruction.