Dear Wolf Creek Schools Parents, Students and Community, As we move closer to the start of the 2020-21 school year, I wanted to update you on a few items which will make it possible to reopen. It is very important that we take into consideration all student’s and staff's health and safety. We continually are working with the Washington County Department on the best practices for reopening the school. At the current time, We plan to open for all students five days a week. Wolf Creek Local School Board has approved reopening guidelines for the 2020-21school year. The reopening will be based on the Ohio Public Health Advisory System and guidance from the Washington County Health Department. The first day of school will be August 24, 2020. We will be dismissing students at 1:00 for the first five days of school ( August 24, 25, 26, 27, 28). This will allow for teacher collaboration and extra cleaning in the buildings. Some of the items of interest we are putting in place to ensure student safety: All students K-12 will be assigned their own Chromebook to be used throughout the school day. In the event we are forced to go to a different form of instruction, blended or remote, students will be able to take this device home. Health screenings will be encouraged for all staff and students prior to coming to school each day. In addition, we will incorporate temperature checks as students enter the building. Social distancing will be promoted at all times. All student desks will be a minimum of 3 feet apart and face forward. Increased handwashing and use of hand sanitizer will be provided for all students and staff. There will be scheduled times for students to wash their hands in addition to the normal hand washing routine. We are in the process of placing hand sanitizer stations at all entrances, restrooms, bus entrances, and other high traffic areas. We will be increasing daily cleaning of the buildings and buses. Increase focus on high traffic areas and touch points throughout the school day. We will require face masks/shields for all staff who are within 6 feet of students or other adults. We will strongly recommend all students in grades 3-12 wear masks and require masks when students are less than 3 feet from another person Unless students are exempt due to medical reason. We will be providing a clear reusable face shield for all students and staff. We also will have disposable masks available for use by students and visitors. We would encourage all students to bring their own mask. As we begin the school year, we will not schedule any mass gatherings such as assemblies, open house, meet the teacher night nor will be scheduling any field trips at this time There will be a plan with the County Health Department for if a student or staff member test positive for COVID-19. The Health Department will handle all notifications and quarantine recommendations that will be completed if there is a positive case. A more detailed district plan will be posted after August 1 and it will be included in the district newsletter. We will continue to update you as we revise the plan as changes and further guidance is given. It is our belief that the best education is from in person education. We will continue to offer an online platform for students to complete educational work if they do not feel comfortable or have other related health reasons attending in person or have other related health reasons. Remember, that it is important to follow these guidelines to ensure that our students and staff are safe and healthy. The school is the heart of our community and it is very important that we all work together to keep our schools open for maximum learning to take place.
over 4 years ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
Kindergarten shots are available through the Washington County Health Department by appointment 740-374-2782 A drive-thru shot clinic will take place for any student 10 years or older at the Washington County Health Department on Friday, July 24th from 10am-3pm
over 4 years ago, Suellen Coleman
Dear Wolf Creek Schools Parents, Students and Community, I hope all had a relaxing 4th of July Weekend. With the July 4th weekend behind us, the opening of school is just around the corner. Last Thursday Governor Dewine released several documents and guidelines for the restart of school in August. In addition, we are working with the Local Health Department to meet all necessary guidelines as we create our plan. It is our goal to open school with all students attending everyday as “normal” as possible. We believe that most families prefer this option of schooling. However, we will also make other options available for those who want a different option of schooling in the Fall. In order to meet these goals of opening school in a near “Normal” fashion. We have been and will continue to meet with staff to develop protocols and procedures to ensure safety of our students, staff, and school community. We are also making plans to be prepared if we are required to close later in the year and move to remote learning. We will have everything in place to allow this to happen. Items that we are currently working on: How to ensure social distancing in the classrooms and on the school buses. We are looking at the class lists and the bus routes to see what modifications need to be made. We are looking at the purchase of additional sanitation items to ensure that surfaces and high contact areas are thoroughly cleaned. We are working with the Local Health Department on notification and tracking methods. We are working on developing professional development for our staff to ensure that they have the training necessary to make this “new normal” successful. We are looking at lunch options and how to social distance and safely provide hot lunches to our students. There will be more information in the coming weeks through our webpage, facebook, notification system and our summer newsletter. Sincerely, Douglas A.. Baldwin
over 4 years ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
Anyone interested in marching band should come to our first practice, Monday, July 13 from 5-8 in the High School Band Room
over 4 years ago, Suellen Coleman
HS Golf—Any student entering grades 7-12 interested in playing golf this fall is invited to an “open green” that will be on Monday, July 6 at Lakeside golf course from 7 - 9 PM.
over 4 years ago, Suellen Coleman
Lunches are now ready for pickup. Please pick up by 11:30. This is the last week for lunches. Thank you to those who participated.
over 4 years ago, Suellen Coleman
Lunches are ready for pick up. Please pick up by 11:30 today. If you are not able to be here by 11:30- please call the HS to make arrangements.
over 4 years ago, Suellen Coleman
Please view the WHS Virtual Graduation 2020 at the following link - There is an awards presentation following. There will be additional awards announced as the school is made aware. Thank you and Congratulations Seniors!!
over 4 years ago, Suellen Coleman
The final 8th grade Promotion Parade Route Video, this one by Kim Barker, is now posted for viewing! Congrats again 8th graders! Thanks to parents and community for a great turnout!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The WES Junior High Awards Zoom Ceremony video is ready to view. Congrats to our 7th and 8th graders!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The 6th grade Awards Zoom ceremony is ready to view. The original student version was lost due to a technical issue when Mrs. Thomas’ computer froze. This video contains all the awards re-recorded by the teachers and Mrs. Thomas. Thank you for understanding and congrats 6th grade!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The WES 5th Grade Awards Zoom Ceremony video is now ready to view. Way to work hard this year 5th graders!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The WES 4th Grade Awards Zoom Ceremony video is now ready to view. Awesome job 4th grade!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
In addition, the WES Kindergarten Parade Route video made by Miss Kim Barker is ready to view as well! We love our Kindergarten students!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The WES 3rd Grade Awards Zoom Ceremony video is ready to view. So proud of the 3rd grade and their Zoom meeting attendance since March! Way to go!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The WES 2nd grade Awards Zoom Ceremony video is ready to view. Congrats to our 2nd graders!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The 1st grade Awards Day Zoom Video is ready to view. Great job 1st grade!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The WES 8th Grade Promotion Parade Video of photos is ready to view. A video of the parade will follow. Please check it out. Congrats 8th graders! We are so proud!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
The WES Kindergarten Graduation Photo Video is ready to view. A video of the parade will follow. Congrats to our Kindergarten Students! We miss you and are so proud of you!
over 4 years ago, Jana Thomas
Wolf Creek Local Board of Education will hold a special meeting on May 21, 2020 at 7:30pm in the High School Library. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and possibly approve an emergency energy upgrade project for Waterford Elementary.
over 4 years ago, Suellen Coleman